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Open-source Arduino-based data logger library, designed for field science
This is the complete list of members for ALog, including all inherited members.
_sensor_function_template(uint8_t pin, float param1, float param2, uint8_t ADC_bits=14, bool flag=false) | ALog | |
ALog() | ALog | |
analogReadOversample(uint8_t pin, uint8_t adc_bits=10, uint8_t nsamples=1, bool debug=false) | ALog | |
Anemometer_reed_switch(uint8_t interrupt_pin_number, unsigned long reading_duration_milliseconds, float meters_per_second_per_rotation) | ALog | |
Barometer_BMP180() | ALog | |
Decagon5TE(uint8_t excitPin, uint8_t dataPin) | ALog | |
DecagonGS1(uint8_t pin, float Vref, uint8_t ADC_resolution_nbits=14) | ALog | |
endAnalog() | ALog | |
endLogging() | ALog | |
get_3V3_measured_voltage() | ALog | |
get_5V_measured_voltage() | ALog | |
get_serial_number() | ALog | |
get_use_sleep_mode() | ALog | |
goToSleep_if_needed() | ALog | |
HackHD(int control_pin, bool want_camera_on) | ALog | |
HM1500LF_humidity_with_external_temperature(uint8_t humidPin, float R0_therm, float B_therm, float Rref_therm, float T0degC_therm, uint8_t thermPin_therm, uint8_t ADC_resolution_nbits=14) | ALog | |
Honeywell_HSC_analog(int pin, float Vsupply, float Vref, float Pmin, float Pmax, int TransferFunction_number, int units, uint8_t ADC_resolution_nbits=14) | ALog | |
HTM2500LF_humidity_temperature(uint8_t humidPin, uint8_t thermPin, float Rref_therm, uint8_t ADC_resolution_nbits=14) | ALog | |
Inclinometer_SCA100T_D02_analog_Tcorr(uint8_t xPin, uint8_t yPin, float Vref, float Vsupply, float R0_therm, float B_therm, float Rref_therm, float T0degC_therm, uint8_t thermPin_therm, uint8_t ADC_resolution_nbits=14) | ALog | |
initialize(char *_logger_name, char *_datafilename, int _hourInterval, int _minInterval, int _secInterval, bool _ext_int=false, bool _LOG_ALL_SENSORS_ON_BUCKET_TIP=false) | ALog | |
linearPotentiometer(uint8_t linpotPin, float Rref, float slope, char *_distance_units, float intercept=0, uint8_t ADC_resolution_nbits=14, bool Rref_on_GND_side=true) | ALog | |
maxbotixHRXL_WR_analog(uint8_t nping=10, uint8_t sonicPin=A0, uint8_t EX=99, bool writeAll=true, uint8_t ADC_resolution_nbits=10) | ALog | |
maxbotixHRXL_WR_Serial(uint8_t Ex, uint8_t npings, bool writeAll, int maxRange, bool RS232=false) | ALog | |
Pyranometer(uint8_t analogPin, float raw_mV_per_W_per_m2, float gain, float V_ref, uint8_t ADC_resolution_nbits=14) | ALog | |
readPin(uint8_t pin) | ALog | |
readPinOversample(uint8_t pin, uint8_t adc_bits) | ALog | |
sensorPowerOff() | ALog | |
sensorPowerOn() | ALog | |
set_LEDpin(int8_t _pin) | ALog | |
set_RTCpowerPin(int8_t _pin) | ALog | |
set_SDpowerPin(int8_t _pin) | ALog | |
set_SensorPowerPin(int8_t _pin) | ALog | |
setupLogger() | ALog | |
sleep() | ALog | |
startAnalog() | ALog | |
startLogging() | ALog | |
thermistorB(float R0, float B, float Rref, float T0degC, uint8_t thermPin, uint8_t ADC_resolution_nbits=14, bool Rref_on_GND_side=true, bool oversample_debug=false, bool record_results=true) | ALog | |
ultrasonicMB_analog_1cm(uint8_t nping, uint8_t EX, uint8_t sonicPin, bool writeAll) | ALog | |
vdivR(uint8_t pin, float Rref, uint8_t ADC_resolution_nbits=10, bool Rref_on_GND_side=true) | ALog | |
Wind_Vane_Inspeed(uint8_t vanePin) | ALog |